Category Topics


Welcome, and thank you for joining The LX!

Unpopular Opinions!

You’re entitled to your opinion - but sometimes it’s also fun or even enlightening to inspire debate. Amanda is kicking off this new Category with her opinion on Gamification. Join in the conversation!

Career Acceleration

The LX represents a community of talented L&D professionals, many of whom are certified in best-in-class learning experience design. The Career Acceleration Stations serves as a meeting ground for these community members, recruiters, and hiring managers – a safe space to ask questions and establish connections.

En Español

Un foro de discusión para aquellos en nuestra comunidad de habla hispana.

The LX Presents

The LX is proud to present multihued conversations around key topics in learning and development, jointly led and facilitated by an array of vibrant thinkers from business and the humanities.

From the Community: Events/Programs

This space is open to any LX member who wants to publicize details about their upcoming program, open enrollment course, or other learning events.

LXD Course Alumni Lounge

LXD offers a unique opportunity to leverage community strength and grow a network of like-minded professionals through a social learning platform and virtual events. The LXD Course Alumni Lounge is a space specifically created for LXD alumni to connect and share notes across cohorts. Curious about how the course has evolved over the years? Interested in learning about how other teams tackled the LXD blueprint assignment? This is the space to explore these questions and more.


L&D, LXD - Whatever it is you want to talk about with others in the profession, post it here!

Local Groups

L&D conversations are happening all over the all the . Get connected to fellow professionals in your local area — and get inspired.

Book Club

Have you read a great book others in the community will enjoy? Do you know an author with relevant content? Post it all here!

Celebrating Wins!

Celebrate your recent accomplishments, or a great L&D win - whatever needs ! Post it and let us rejoice with you!

Mentoring and Peer Feedback

We all need a little help from our friends. And there are experts in the field standing by, ready to provide feedback. Post your RFF (request for feedback) here.

Content and Resources

What tools and content providers are you looking for? Maybe the The LX community can help.